Notes for Developers

Notes to create, build, and test resen-core images.

Resen-core images

Alternatively to accessing resen-cores images through resen, the images can be pulled from earchcubeingeo on dockerhub (this is how resen obtains the selected resen-core image). Once the resen-core image has been pulled into the user’s system it will be readily available and not require downloading in the future. To pull a resen-core image from earchcubeingeo the following docker command can be used:

$ docker pull earthcubeingeo/resen-core:2020.2.0

After issuing the command, docker starts downloading the layers contained in the image. When the process finishes the image will be available in the user’s system:

$ docker images

REPOSITORY                  TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
earthcubeingeo/resen-core   2020.2.0            b1f1c9013924        1 day ago           5.25GB

Building a resen-core image

The sources for building a resen-core image are in the resen_core GitHub repository. The Dockerfile for the resen-core image can be found inside the resen-core folder in the repository. To build the image from the resen-core folder run:

$ docker build -t resencoretest .

After a successful build, which can take some time, the newly created image should be available in the user’s docker list:

$ docker images

REPOSITORY      TAG        IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
resencoretest  latest      5431trew4r12        2 hours ago         5.38GB


The resen-core images are based on the resen-base docker image, whos Dockerfile is located inside the resen-base folder in the resen_core GitHub repository. The resen-base image is in turn based on the ubuntu:20.04 docker image found in ubuntu Docker Official Images.

Building a resen-base image

The sources for building a resen-base image are in the resen_core GitHub repository. The Dockerfile for the resen-core image can be found inside the resen-base folder in the repository. To build the image from inside the resen-base folder run:

$ docker build -t resenbasetest .

To use the newly generated resen-base image and use it in resen-core, the resen-core/Dockerfile needs to be modified so that it uses resenbasetest instead of earthcubeingeo/resen-base:2020.2.0

FROM resenbasetest:latest

resen-core Dockerfile helpers

Resen-core uses additonal files (helpers) that are called as part of the instructions in the Dockerfile The helpers are located inside the folder resen-core/resources/helpers:


Using a resen-core image without the resen tool

There might be times when there is the need to use a resen-core image without the resen tool, e.g. when a new image is being created and has not been integrated in the resen tool. To proceed you need docker installed in your system and enough resources allocated for compilation. The following command will start jupyter lab based on the resen-core image that was pulled previously , i.e. earthcubeingeo/resen-core:2020.2.0

$ docker run --name a_container_name  -it -p XXXX:XXXX earthcubeingeo/resen-core:2020.2.0 /bin/bash -c 'source ~/envs/py38/bin/activate && jupyter lab --no-browser --ip --port XXXX --NotebookApp.token=SOMETOKENWORD --KernelSpecManager.ensure_native_kernel=False'

where XXXX is the port to be used for jupyterlab.